We found the raspberries at the farmers market. They are still a bit tart but dang it all, in this buckle they were nothing short of sheer bliss. This is that one from the new everyday food (July) and I added lemon rind, grated ginger and a pinch of cinnamon. Good lord, it was amazing. Here's a shot of the inside, you can see it's cake-y loveliness. I cooked it about 7min longer because Pete isn't into pudding texture with cakes, so it was really firm. And it's all gone now.
And here is another dress in that same pattern. I seemed to have lost one of my arms but hope to find it soon. The belt is striped on one side, if I am feeling crazy, and then the brown on the other. I really like to wear the same thing for days in a row (gross? boring?) and that last dress I made gets worn a lot. Like the 4 year old neighbor said "you are wearing that again?"yup, gotta love that kid's honesty. So I made another and the switched to the invisible zipper which solved all my problems especially because I used the special invisible foot made for my machine not the lame plastic ones that you can get that never really fit. And you can't tell here because of the angle, but the hem about 2 inches lower than my knees, which seems just right.