Sadie decorated the windows. I realize we need new window screens. This is quite obvious now that I see this photo, please ignore the holes and move on. . .
She also learned how to use the tape dispenser all by herself last week. I loved tape sooooo much when I was little. I didn't know that what I really loved was the idea of laminating everything. I'd just use tape as my personal laminator and would get in trouble (just a little) for wasting it. I actually thought about buying a laminator at Paper Zone last week, but held off. I'm not saying I still won't get one. Most of me is thinking "ick, more plastic." but then the 4 year old in me is all about the shiny badges, membership cards, and plasticy homemade stickers.
Chocolate chip banana bread. I'd give up the recipe but it's from a mailorder (#3 I think) so I can't without violating mailorder code. But it's what we made yesterday and what I am eating right now. But now I'm obsessing over the cake/berry/jam combo. I was going to make cupcakes, like these ones here from Sarah actually, or bake cakes like these here, (I think Alicia is trying to kill me.) but um, I need to get a handle on this pregnancy weight (she said while eating chocolate chip banana bread) and I know I'm eating chocolate tomorrow, so I am trying, trying, to be reasonable.
And speaking of mailorder, if you are stuck on the word scramble from #5, let me know and I can send you a hint. The prize is a Valentine, so you still have time to crack it and get your PDF prize for the big day tomorrow. I think you will find it worthy of your efforts.