So. . .3 girls. I found myself revisiting The Little Fashion Gallery, and found this dress. Holy Moly, Good Lord. The color, the embroidery, I really just about lost it when I saw this. I am making baby-brain crazy rationalizations like, if I get it for Sadie, then all 3 girls can wear it. And the fact that they are having a HUGE sale right now isn't helping, I am also in love with this top here, which is also on sale. Ack!
And I did get my hands, for real this time, on The Dangerous Book For Boys book I posted about last week and I love it. A whole lot. Yes, it's for boys, but so much of it translates for girls (Except maybe the part about advice for talking to girls, which is quite sweet, really.) It's just a great reference manual to have in the house. And anything with secret codes and decoder rings gets an A in my book, obviously. I was thrilled I knew a lot of the info in there already, sometimes these types of books can be so humbling, realizing how much you forget.
The Tie One Gallery-The Pocket is up. Please check it out, once again, the submissions are awesome. And the new theme for July/August is up as well. Thanks to Pete and Grammie for all the help last week and this week, so I could do this gallery, read trashy books, nurse, and take a whole lot of naps. . .I am on baby vacation and I love it.