I put this little gift box together for a special 3 year old a few weeks back. I heart sticker paper. I did this label in Illustrator. The box is from Michaels. (Photos with the old camera, curses!)
Inside it contains small object bootie that anyone would envy. I love putting together these little gift boxes so much. I have quite a few empty and waiting for sewing, map-making, book-making, sticker-making, & beading supplies all to be tucked in, ready to go for our small friends.
Did you see what Hillary is up to ? Posting everyday this month! How inspiring! It takes the edge off, for me anyway, thinking about a once a day post, cause then I can make it quick and dirty. Now, if I actually do it. . . .we shall see. We have a big week ahead of us. The middle child turns 3, a book signing, and a kid party. . . and only one runny nose so far. whoo-hoo!