I have been a bit slow on the uptake around here. Grammie casually mentioned this amazing 2006 best in show award winning quilt based off of the Story of The Root Children, by Sibylle von Olfers. Details from the quilt, made by Sieglinde Schoen-Smith, are shown here in this new book, Mother Earth and Her Children, A Quilted Fairy Tale. I posted about loving von Olfers, and later Grammie said that this new book and quilt were mentioned by someone in my comments on that post. . .that Grammie. I obviously need to read better.
So, this is wicked sick stitching here. The faces of the children are all in a satin stitch. It's hard to see and even harder to describe, but it's amazing. Please take a look at this book. I don't have it yet, but saw the details of the quilt in the Quilters Newsletter about 2 issues ago. (And you can read a bit about the copyright issues here.) Wow. Wow. Wow. Like see that cover there the book? It's all fabric with embroidery. The whole thing. No drawing, just fabric needle and thread. That's how amazing this is.