Santa (my husband) gave me this insanely cool terrarium for Christmas. He got it here in Portland at Pistils and I love it so much. I have been admiring terrariums for a bit now (who doesn't love these things!?) and now I have one, which is perfect because I officially got rid of my 4 remaining houseplants right before Liddy was born. Long story. Something to do with yellow withered leaves making me crazy days before I went into labor. (It's the little things, right?)
I have seen several styles of these cool terrariums around but never seen this orb style that hangs.edit-I just saw one very similar in the new CB2 catalog. I need to stress again my love for this. There's an air cactus in there, which is so funny to me—because it looks all modern and cool but I associate air cacti with 1970s pet rock/Mexican jumping beans/chia pet fads. I am not sure why. Couldn't you buy air cacti in the check outline at the grocery store about 20 years ago?
There is so much out there in webville about these, how to make them, inspiring photos, etc. Here's a short list that makes me super happy.
-Hello Yarn's Flickr set with great info about her terrariums. I love her blog and shop so much and I want to be 1/8th as good at knitting as she is when I grow up.
-Stephanie's brilliant terrarium party favors
-The succulent terrarium Mellisa made Mariko (which I was tempted to steal. That would be funny, right? I'd give it back in a few months. I should really do this.)
-this really sweet and informative how-to video
-terrarium flickr group (only for pants, not lizards/frogs, etc.) edit-pants!!!!! okay, it should say plants, but this is too funny to correct. can you imagine tiny pants in terrariums?? Wow. That would be awesome.
-Martha Stewart kids terrarium project
-Ann Wood's amazing terrariums (just added this one, thanks cal!)
-very very small (eek! so cute!) terrarium at Cottage Living with nice how-to (thanks chelsea!)