Things I need to list so I don't forget later:
-The Tie On One apron theme, Havana Nights, is due Monday!! I have a feeling I will be a little late with the new theme and gallery this time around, so thanks in advance for your patience. I'm also behind on updating the aprons sellers list, I will get on that pronto.
-There is a cool event here in Portland happening over at Twisted with Susan and Diane celebrating the newest issue of CRAFT Magazine! It's this Sunday, June 1st.
-I am super excited about Goodreads. I haven't made my profile public yet, but wow, I sure love me some good books and this seems so cool. I have been in book groups for over 10 years (but I'm not in one now) and have always wanted a quick and easy way to review and document what I have read. For some reason a simple pencil and paper hasn't cut it for me, I don't know why. But so cool we can all recommend books to each other this way! yippee!
-These kids clothes are so simple and dreamy—lots of cool inspiration. (Found via Lena's cool blog.)
-And to recap on older posts, I have not used my new pressure cooker yet. I did make homemade corn tortillas, twice. They were good but not photo worthy. I also think they were a bit too think. I need to try again soon.
-Camellia, the lovely Portland shop full of natural cosmetics and the like, has a new online shop! and a blog! So cool.
I have noticed that I overuse exclamation points when I am actually very tired! ha!