The eggplant and I had a lovely time with the Mason Dixon gals on their whirlwind book signing tour. This disgusting drink was ordered by Mariko. It's a non-caffeinated barley drink that is served to Italian children (so we were told) it tastes like (fill in your favorite expletive here.) This lead us to a discussion of the merits of swearing on one's blog.
Here's my sweater, which was restarted—again. It was twisted—again. There are 128 sts to cast on and they got very squirrely. Also, I don't know what I am doing. So, I am now going to knit a few rows without joining and then join when I can see better. I looked this up—I can just leave a tail and seam up the part that I left open after I join.
I am reading Lonely Werewolf Girl and enjoying it so very much I am actually sort of geeking out. I can't wait to read some other works by Martin Millar. I read Twilight a few weeks back and although I plan to read the rest of them, there is no compassion in my mind between the writing chops of these two authors. Both books are Young Adult fiction, which is such an odd book classification to me. I would have been a little worried about the 12-14 year old version of myself who would gotten a hold of Lonely Werewolf Girl, but it's brilliant.
So, Twilight. I didn't dislike it, but didn't love it. I feel like there might be a hidden teen agenda in this book. Not quite sure yet, I should do some more research on it, but I sense a strong pro teen abstinence undercurrent in it. But, it's hard to know, 'cause we all know for vampires, it's about sucking blood not taking your top off, so it maybe it's just my issue. Lestat never got naked either. Still, I enjoyed it and have a whole lot of love for vampires, werewolves, and teen angst (and throw a few zombies and fairies in there, too) so it's all good—and quite seasonally appropriate.
The Twilight movie was shot at the high school down the street from where we live, so this book/upcoming movie has been on my dull radar for awhile and there was much talk of the bed in the movie at Fabric Depot. Apparently the movie crew needed custom sheets made for Edward's huge bed and one of the Fabric Depot employees was sewing them. They required an insane amount of yardage. I can't tell you how awesome it was overhearing this conversation.
Here's a few funny/snarky posts about Twilight (the book and upcoming movie) which I found very amusing, but might annoy you if you are a die hard fan, just sayin'.