The fur was much better to work with this time. I had this lovely very lightweight wool sweater passed on to me and the lines were so nice. Super long ribbing made it quite awesome. However, it was crazy tight, see-through, and a turtleneck—all issues for me.
I cut it up the middle, finished the edge with a rolled hem on the serger, and sewed on a fake fur collar. (Sorry about the jammie pants there, what can you do? It was in the morning.)
I really dig the way the turtle neck flops over now.
So, this fake fur trim was purchased. I could have made it myself. it's just a strip of fur folded in half and serged, but buying a fake fur this cool is kind of expensive, and this trim was already made—so there you go. I got it at Mill End Store here in town. It was about $5 a yard, so not cheap, but I only needed a yard, less than that actually, so it was still a great deal. I think this is my favorite re-fashioned sweater yet.
Thanks for all the blog b-day love! I have nothing interesting to report today. I got my haircut and it was flat ironed, which I always find thrilling/creepy. I got some new shoes (in the teal color). They are perfect and I love them to bits. I can't finish Outlander. I'm just not swept up in it. I think I need to take a break. I'm more than half-way through, but it's not sustaining me right now. Harem pants are a horrible thing (even through I like Free People)—and I totally am tucking in my blouses now, (librarian chic) after saying in a video no less, that I would never do that. So I am a big hypocrite.