me: okay, today we are going to take pictures of mama, 'cause getting out the tripod never works with the baby out and running around. so, who's first?
sadie: me!
delia: no me!
me: alright, delia look through this hole. hold this thing tight, it's very expensive. no, this hole. no the screen won't show you—look through the view finder. awesome. now press the button. open your eyes. now press that button. awesome! aim it at this red bag. see this? right here.
sadie: why are we taking photos of your new purse?
me: um, well, kind of the same reason I take photos of our breakfast. it's my new bag. it's preppy.
delia: what's preppy?
me: um—delia, put the baby down.
me: delia, put the baby down.
me: put the baby down.
sadie: mom, I can't see the photos on the screen. Is this good? I like your belt. where did you get your bag?
me: thank you. It's a Coach bag I found used online. I had to have it because it reminds me of being 16, when I got my first one, which I can't find right now. we need to go through boxes at Grammie's to see if she has it.
sadie: the bag matches your tights.
me: yes, I'm not sure if it's too much, but oh well.
sadie: like wearing too much pink at the same time.
me: exactly.
delia: can I take more? one of my sisters?
me: yes, but let's put the strap on first.
let it be noted that baby shattered the french press that she was playing with during this photo session. I was wondering why she was so quiet.