The girls have gotten really into writing letters lately and mailing letters to family and friends and we ran out of envelopes very fast. I couldn't face buying more and realized I could just make them. So I did—and now the girls make them too. So, this is so easy and simple I feel silly even writing about it, but just in case, I made a video tutorial of how we make them. No templates to trace, no scissors needed—just some paper and tape. They have been very well received. Even though Delia's envelopes often only contain a cotton ball and a band aid. She's more into the stuffing and less into the writing.
I am super happy to announce the new book by the masterminds at Photojojo, Photojojo!: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas. This book is jam packed with really creative ideas. I was flattered to be asked to contribute a project to this book (and I did.) Congrats Amit and Kelly!
The envelope project above here is not in the book, but it being made from a photo in a magazine and all, I thought thematically it worked with the post. Over think things much, you say? Yup!