We make a lot of pancakes around here. We call them handcakes, because they are usually eaten on the sofa out-of-hand, not off a plate. The powdered sugar gets all over, but oh well. I make extra and freeze them. The girls pop them in the toaster oven. I like them with maple syrup, of course, but the girls like them with either powdered sugar or butter and cinnamon sugar—or just plain.
Sadie is starting to flip them herself. The recipe is on my cheat sheet and I use the same recipes for waffles, sometimes switching the white flour out for whole wheat flour or another grain. Buckwheat is good too, although gets some suspicious looks.
Really I just like taking photos of food, so that's about all there is to say about this.
- I am terribly excited to see Gentleman Broncos (via Miss Emily) although it seems to be in the movie-video purgatory and not on netflix yet but not in the theaters anymore either.
- I have in my hands the lovely Winter and Holiday Correspondence Sets from the fine folks at Yellow Owl Workshop and am in love with them and highly recommend them as a gift-y type item to keep or give. I am writing more real letters lately and this set is perfect for that. The boxed set fits nicely in my bag (which is a pretty big bag, I will admit.)
- I am enjoying (and laughing out loud at) The Selfish Seamstress. (via the Burda Style Blog)