This bag was in my favorites folder last year I think. I love it. I just thought of it again. It's from the Cambridge Satchel Company. They come in many colors and seem to be available only overseas I think and so that makes me want one even more. But what size and what color? The red is wonderful, too.
Also, I want these boots. I know these were all cool, like 2 years ago. I was sick of seeing them actually, but now I realize I really do need some boots for rain, mud, and sand. Our new house has much more dirt and mud to deal with. Also, these are very special green. Also, because they were so popular, maybe I can find them used? Maybe not this brand but I'm sure I can find some used boots, anyway, but for the daydreaming purposes, these are perfect.
I'm actually saving some shoe money for the perfect slippers, which, oh man, is such a huge ordeal, it's been like a 4 week thing and still is unresolved. I think I need to suck it up and just replace the pair that are officially worn out. Obviously there is a blog post in here waiting to be written. Or not. I mean, really, do I need to blog about my slipper search? I just might have to.
Anyhoo, since I like to have items in threes, here's a wonderful skirt that is just perfect. I'm not suggesting I would wear all of this together, but you never know. This is an eyelet fabric, it's hard to see here. And Talbot's? But they really work the vintage classic look in a very nice way. Is this a bit long maybe? But dang I am so sick of shorter skirts, I'm going to buck the trend and just sew longer skirts, dang it. My life style is just not set up for flashing the world every time I'm at the park helping a baby off the swing, you know? And this is crisp and elegant. And green, which I guess is the theme here, although I don't know why. You'd think I would have done this for St. Patrick's day, but no.