We have been doing a lot of painting on canvas board lately. It started with the Mona Lisa self portraits and kept going from there. They love adding details in pen after the paint dries. It's so cool to see them painting the blocks of color and leaving it, knowing they are planning to add details later. This one of Sadie's is incredible to me. I reminds me so much of one of our favorite books of all time (both for the illustration style and text) The Runaway Dinner.
Here's Delia's. It's a dancer on stage. I love it to death. I find myself staring at these all the time. The canvas board is wonderful— it's inexpensive and provides support, so they can really brush hard and add paper collage or even 3-D materials if they want to. I can't find baby's because I am a bad mom.
I'm feeling the urge to do some early spring cleaning around here like some giving away/recycling of toys, books, clothes and stuff, including our massive amounts of kids artwork. Here are some links I found for ideas about artwork storage and saving it and how to also recycle it-
- What to do with your kid's artwork?
- And this from Ask Kiddo about the same topic with great suggestions in the comments.
*Thank you so much for all your orders for the Custom Birthcharts! I am lettering like a demon and will be busy for a while with these. It's so cool to see all the combinations and you all have some really amazing names! Outstanding!