Hello! Okay-I am so happy to start this new weblog. My hope is, along with being a place to see Tie One On submissions, this site can be a resource too-for both new and modern aprons. I'm planning to copy (or at least link to) all my apron related posts on angry chicken, and I'd love it if you all would send me links to your great apron posts as well. There are so many good ones out there. I got this amazing apron above from theresa (a chicken!! which is also a pocket!) for my birthday. Thank you soooo much. (Would it have killed me to use an iron?) Here are some others that came for my birthday too-
from erin, kay, and, stephanie thank you!! (please click to see the lovely details!)
And here's a great vintage pattern I just got. Dig the tic-tac-toe matching pot holders. I really love aprons with matching accessories. I think that will have to be a theme at some point.