The holidays are here! I know this theme isn't super original, but I think a holiday apron is a must, and I have none, so there you go. I have been thinking about traditions so much now that I have the girls and the idea of wearing a special holiday apron for thanksgiving or Christmas every year really makes me happy. So-you can make an apron for any holiday you celebrate in November or December (remember, there is no Tie One On in December-we will start again in the New Year, the theme will be announced on January 1)
I think this is very naughty and that's all I'm going to say about it.
nice holly! All these photos are from the wonderful vintage apron patterns group on flickr (thank you all so much for contributing and making it such a great group) please click on the photo if you would like to see who owns these lovely patterns.
There are so many great vintage Christmas aprons out there (have a look here) but I am leaning towards a Thanksgiving one-tough decision. Then again, I have so much Christmas theme-y fabric that I need to do something with and could make matching ones for the girls when we bake cookies. . .oh the domestic goodness is almost too much!