May 1st is approaching soon, which is when the No $$ aprons are due—I hope you all are having fun raiding your fabric stash or dresser drawers. I've received some fabulous submissions already, thank you!
I am super excited to giveaway this lovely new book, The Kitchen Linens Book: Using, Sharing, and Cherishing the Fabrics of Our Daily Lives by EllynAnne Geisel, who wrote The Apron Book. This new book is not focused on aprons—but apron-type items. Of course, I love table/kitchen linens so this is right up my alley. I am especially fond of this dainty teacup dancer on the cover here.
So, to get a shot at winning a free copy of this brand new book, you need to submit an apron for this No $$ theme. That's it. Then after May 1st, I will count up all the submissions and use a random number generator to choose a winner. Good luck and have fun!